Setting editor border

WPF HTML editor control has a border:

Editor border

You can change color and width of this border using properties EditorBorderColor and EditorBorderWidth

Editor border changed


private void Window1_OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    wpfHtmlEditor1.EditorBorderWidth = new Thickness(10);
    wpfHtmlEditor1.EditorBorderColor = Color.FromRgb(6, 165, 19);

Private Sub Window1_OnLoaded(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
	wpfHtmlEditor1.EditorBorderWidth = New Thickness(10)
	wpfHtmlEditor1.EditorBorderColor = Color.FromRgb(6, 165, 19)
End Sub
Also you can completely hide the border. In order to do that you should just set EditorBorderWidth property = new Thickness(0)

Last updated on May 29, 2015