Implemented Features
- Added multi-language support for various languages like German (Deutsche), Korean (???), Spanish (Español), French (Française), Italian (Italiana), Japanese (???), Norwegian (norsk), Dutch (Nederlands), Polish (Polski)
- Improved navigation from Options page to Objectives page in Decision Matrix.
- Added more tooltip on the Objective selection drop-down so that the user can understand which type of objective will create what type of user interface in the Options section in Decision Matrix / Decision Tree.
- A new button "Add more objectives" is available in the Objectives summary page in the objective creation wizard. Say, the user just completed entering all the objectives and entered to the pairwise comparison, and realized that a new objective needs to be added. Now, with that button, it will be easy to do so.
- The Diagram Zoom, node spacing, node width, etc information will be saved in the project file so that when restored a project, the diagram will look the same as how it was saved.
- Associate file extension with the software so that, a decision tree, decision matrix, Markov process, etc. file can be opened by double-clicking from windows explorer.