Implemented Features
- Improved the User Interface of various screens. Especially, the Pros and Cons and Markov Decision Process modeling are significantly improved.
- Disqualified utility value shows in Red color, satisficing utility value shows in green color.
- Added "Edit" option in the context menu of the Options list in both Decision Matrix and Pros and Cons, so that, in addition to double-clicking, the user can find the Edit option from the context menu as well.
- Enabled the user to delete all pros and cons at once from the context menu.
- Some more settings available in the Settings window, like Check for update automatically, showing confirmation before delete every time,
- In the confirmation window that shows up before deleting anything, a checkbox will be there saying "Do not ask again".
- In the decision matrix and pros and cons modeling, the user can drag and rearrange an option from the option list.
- Significantly improved the Custom Expression Editor in the Markov Decision Process. Now, the user can drag and drop a state into the custom expression editor, which gets automatically highlighted. Also, popup help available for syntax.
- A new Token-based function editor is provided for editing the Multi-Criteria Utility Function. Now, the user can drag and drop an objective name and form a custom function like sqrt([Profit]) - e^[Cost]. This feature opens a door for performing Monte Carlo Simulation where the Multi-Criteria Custom Expression based utility function can contain Probability Distribution.